How Do You Pick Charities To Give To???

posted in: Happiness, Non Event 0

With the recent economic times the unfortunate victims can be charities. Just when many charities such as the Salvation Army or Goodwill Industries are hearing a greater call for their services, their donations are also falling.

So when you are able to give, how do you decide who to give your time and money too?

A few years ago I was asked to help organize an event for a local cause. After getting very excited about the prospects of being able to make an effect, I had to back away. My schedule was very busy. Whenever I looked for support from the organization it seemed like a task to even make contact. So I had to back out. I felt very badly about this as I sat across from the person who had requested my services and told her that I was just too busy, to give her my all.

Recently I have been asked to do something similar. The situation is different. For one thing I am in constant contact with the people who run the foundation. So I feel that the support is a phone call away, also I have been assured that 100% of the donations go right to the cause.

Most other charities that you hear about in the media spend up to 40% of their donations on administration costs. I understand that organizations such as Susan G. Komen  For The Cure become so big that they need full time staffs. But I personally feel better when I know that I am causing a direct effect.

So this is a bit of the processing I go through when I decide whether or not I should support certain causes. Is the organization approachable? Can I speak to a representative? Do I know a representative? Where is the money going to? Who decides who gets what?  Who are the people who get my money at the end of the trail? And what are they doing with it?

So with this in mind please help me support The Marilyn B. Gula Mountains Of Hope Foundation. They give 100% of their donations to advanced breast cancer research. If you’re in Phoenix you should be pleased to know that their dollars stay right here in town and aid the local research efforts.

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