posted in: Fitness, Non Event 4

I have always been surprised that I have had more female clients than male. Such is the case with most of the Personal Trainers that I know.

Even when I worked in the commercial gyms. I found women far more receptive to getting help than men.

Whenever I approached a male member of the gym about training they would very quickly brush me off, and claim. “I know what I’m doing!” And then give me some story about how they used to do this or they used to do that.

Surrender = Strength

The women and men I worked with showed increased improvement. The men that did not want the help, for the most part stayed at the same level.

We could go on and on about male vs female ego. But suffice it to say that those that do not surrender themselves to experts in the fields in which they are learners have a difficult task at hand.

There isn’t a pro athlete, male or female who does not use a trainer. Most trainers I know workout with a partner. We all know the power behind having someone else push us past our own limits.

Trainers, what is your experience with this? Is it gender related?

Non-trainers, do you have a hard time asking for help? If you are using a trainer, do you see the difference in your results compared to when you didn’t use a trainer?

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4 Responses

  1. Evan

    As a “trainee” I’ve always had the solof motivation to run because I enjoy it. But when I recognized the necessity of cross-training, and lack of the skill set to do it on my own, I contacted an acquaintance who I knew was a trainer, and who I knew I could trust in showing me the proper techniques. I think for many men though, as ill-informed as it is, they are expected to know how to “train” themselves, and failing that, just give up. I heartily agree with the previous commenter, that having a trainer makes one accountable to train. So, since most businesses today employ all sorts of trainers to get the best our of their employees, how come it’s still awkward for many men to get a gym trainer – or training partner?

  2. Karl Schnell

    Thanks Evan for your input. As far as your last question. Honestly I do think that men’s egos don’t allow them to ask. We were always the ones that were supposed to do the physical work. And just “gut” it out as far as our learning curve. You know, “Just Do It”. Now with women being much more empowered in comparison to other generations, my hopes would be that men would allow them to shoulder some of this load and then recognize that there really isn’t a “stronger” sex.

  3. longevitypt

    Marcia – Yes, whether it be in the gym or other aspects of our lives. We can all get a lot further when we do it together.

  4. Marcia Reynolds

    Trainer = Accountability

    When I commit to a person to work at a specific time and date, I’m more likely to show up whether it’s my trainer or workout buddy. Then having coaches in my life for my mind and body helps me stretch beyond my excuses. Being a lone ranger is out. Using your team of resources is required for success in today’s crazy, busy world.