Are You Ready To Set Your Goals?

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January 1st is right around the corner. Ah, the time for resolutions, goal setting looking ahead to the New Year.

Last year when I awoke on the 1st day of 2009. My partner turned to me and one of the first things she said was, “What are your goals for the year?” I thought for a quick moment and told her what my plan was.

Well as it turns out, although I attained most of what I had set out to do, I really didn’t complete it. And had I really thought it out, I would have known then that it just was mathematically impossible.

Do you do that? Set a goal without putting much thought behind it and then come short of completion.

So before that golden day comes up I want you to put some real thought behind what you want to do in the next year.

Remember your goal(s) should be S.M.A.R.T

S-   pecific

M – easurable

A – ttainable

R – elevant

T – ime bound

Write your goals out. Put them on or near your desk so that you can see them and reevaluate when necessary.

You are the captain of your ship. In the coming year, will you drift? Or will you plot out a course that will enable you to move ahead?

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