I remember in the early 70’s my mother having regular appointments with her doctor to get B12 shots. She had taken some tests and they found her to be vitamin B deficient. She saw her doctor daily for 2 weeks until the tests showed her levels to be acceptable.
Many years later, once again I’m starting to hear more and more about B12 shots. When I started hearing from more than one source at the gym about its resurgence, it reminded me of my mother’s experience.
So time to look a little further.

Why, if this was a viable supplement, wasn’t it always around? B12 injections are being advertised as energy boosters which will also help you reduce weight and boost your immune system.
Mayo Clinic states that “there is no evidence that vitamin B-12 injections aid weight loss”. They go on to state that unless you have been found to have pernicious anemia or a B-12 deficiency there is no reason to be wasting your money. But also continue to say that getting large amounts are not likely to harm your health.
So there it is. A non-harmful product that can be sold as an energy booster that will help you lose weight at the same time. The problem is that you have to be B12 deficient to get any benefit. The chance of a person being B12 deficient in the US are very slim. Yes there are cases but your body only needs a small amount of B12: 1.5 to 3.0 micrograms per day for adults. Sources of vitamin B12 include fish, beef, eggs, cereals that are fortified with B12, milk and many others. So, it shouldn’t be a huge struggle to reach the required amount.
So what gives?
Well a couple of years ago many were flocking to get HCG shots. HCG along with eating a 500 calorie per day diet was said to reduce weight. How about just doing 500 calories a day?! Save your money on the shot!
And so say I about B12. If you do think you’re deficient have the tests taken. And then proceed if they come out positive. I spoke to 3 different women who had these shots in the past. One being my mother said that she stopped them when her blood tests showed her to be no longer deficient. The other 2 said they had no deficiency before the shot and saw and felt no difference after the shot.
Marianne Burton
Well, done, Karl.
I have always thought what your research reveals about B-12. Huge money maker, I would imagine.