Why Do Proper Warm Ups & Cool Downs Part 2

Proper Post Workout Stretch and Cool Down

There are huge benefits to incorporating a stretching routine into your life: increased circulation, increased flexibility, maintain range of motion[1]. One of the most important times to do this is right after you work out. You have just spent a period of time doing movements that have tightened your body up (hopefully).  At the end of your workout is an excellent time to do something that is going to loosen it up. If you don’t (at this point) then you’re going to remain tight until that area of your body loosens up and stretching it is the way to loosen it up sooner than later. You will certainly impede the recovery period if you are going to remain tight and not be able to move fluidly. Then it will take longer for that part of your body to be able to perform an efficient workout. And isn’t being consistent in your exercise regime one of the goals? You are only going to see gains as long as you can consistently work out. So, the sooner you loosen your body up (right after the workout, preferably) then the sooner your body is prepared to work out again.

Static vs Dynamic Stretches

At Longevity we do what is called a static stretch at the end of the workout. Dynamic stretch in the beginning and static stretch at the end. Static meaning no movement. We put your body in a certain position and then hold that spot for 20 to 30 seconds. This allows the muscle to relax into the position which then allows it to become less tight and then be able to move in it’s natural range of motion much quicker compared to if you don’t stretch. This in turn allows you to get a more efficient workout much quicker compared to if you didn’t and just stayed tight for a prolonged period of time.

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