Who Knew?!?! Hemp Hearts are considered a Super Food

Hemp Hearts

Three Tablespoons of Hemp Hearts provides 2 grams of fiber, 9 grams of protein, 360 mg of potassium, 210 mg magnesium, and 25 % of your daily iron requirement. It also includes omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which fight inflammation and protect your heart and immune system. [1]

And that’s just the beginning.

What About Protein in Hemp Hearts

Hemp seeds are considered a complete protein since they include all 9 amino acids. [2] And this is good news for you if you’re on a plant-based eating plan.

Specifically, hemp seeds are high in arginine which turns into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is essential for artery and vein dilation and helps keeps blood vessel walls smooth and elastic.

And they are very easy to include in your meals. You can sprinkle the seeds on your salads or yogurt. If you’re into shakes throw them in. Personally, I mix mine with Greek yogurt and blackberries. It’s EASY to add this superfood into your eating plan.

So. Go ahead. Become a Hemp Head!!

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